What Is An ISV Partner?

Learn what an ISV partner is and why integrated payment partnerships are crucial for Integrated Software Vendors. Discover how ISVs can boost revenue, enhance user experiences, and secure transparent partnerships with expert support.

What is an ISV Partner? Understanding the Benefits and Role of Independent Software Vendors

ISV payment partnerships are more critical than ever, with industry experts emphasizing their role in driving growth and enhancing user experiences. According to Forrester Research, the global market for integrated payments is projected to reach $10.5 billion by 2025, largely due to ISVs embedding payment functionalities directly into their software platforms. This trend reflects a broader shift towards creating seamless, efficient, and secure payment experiences that users now demand.

Integrated payment solutions often include customer relationship management (CRM) like tools, which enhance the customer experience by simplifying payment processes within existing software environments.

“Embedded payments are the future,” says Eric Crowley, a partner at GP Bullhound, in an interview with PYMNTS.com. He notes that ISVs offering integrated payment solutions are not just adding a feature but are fundamentally enhancing the value of their products, which drives higher customer retention and opens new revenue streams. The goals for ISVs are clear: increase revenue, improve the product experience, and find a transparent and supportive payment processing partner.

Recent studies underscore the impact of these partnerships. ISVs that embed payment solutions see a 30-40% increase in customer retention and can boost their annual revenue by up to 20%, according to McKinsey & Company. These figures highlight the strategic value of payments, which are no longer just a transactional necessity but a key driver of business success.

However, achieving these goals requires navigating a complex landscape of payment gateways, regulatory requirements, and evolving consumer expectations. ISVs need partners who provide not just technical integration but also ongoing support, compliance assistance, and a clear, mutually beneficial revenue-sharing model.

At Swipesum, we are committed to empowering ISVs to overcome these challenges. Our expertise in payment processing and our dedication to transparent partnerships enable ISVs to unlock their full potential. Whether it’s conducting due diligence, negotiating the best rates, or ensuring long-term customer success, Swipesum is here to help you achieve your goals. In the following sections, we’ll explore what it means to be an ISV partner in payment processing and why Swipesum is the right partner for your business.

Visualizing the Role of an ISV in Payment Processing: See how Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) integrate seamlessly within the payment flow, connecting merchants, customers, payment processors, and financial institutions to create a smooth and secure transaction experience.

What is an ISV Partner?

An ISV Partner is a company that develops, markets, and sells software solutions specifically designed to include payment processing capabilities. Unlike traditional vendors who might provide a broader range of hardware or software products, ISVs focus exclusively on software development, creating tools that streamline business operations by embedding payment functionalities directly into their platforms.

Independent software vendors sell software solutions tailored for specific markets, developing, marketing, and selling these solutions to meet the unique needs of their clients.

These ISVs often partner with payment processors to offer seamless, end-to-end payment solutions within their software. This integration allows businesses to process transactions smoothly without the need to switch between multiple systems. By embedding payment capabilities, ISVs can offer a more cohesive user experience, improve transaction security, and open up new revenue streams through revenue-sharing models with their payment processor partners. These partnerships are essential for ISVs to deliver a complete, user-friendly product that meets the evolving needs of their clients.

Examples of ISVs in Payment Processing

ISVs in payment processing include companies that develop retail point-of-sale (POS) systems, e-commerce platforms, and billing software for subscription services. These ISVs integrate payment gateways into their software, allowing businesses to accept payments securely and efficiently.

Benefits of Integrated Payment Solutions for ISVs

Enhanced Security

When it comes to payment processing, security is non-negotiable. Integrated payment solutions offer advanced security features like tokenization, which replaces sensitive card information with a unique identifier (token) that cannot be reverse-engineered. This significantly reduces the risk of data breaches and ensures that your customers’ financial information remains secure.

Improved User Experience

One of the biggest advantages of an integrated payment solution is the ability to provide a seamless user experience. Customers can complete transactions without leaving your software platform, reducing friction and increasing satisfaction. The result? Higher conversion rates and stronger customer loyalty.

Increased Revenue and Valuation

For ISVs, integrating payment solutions opens up new revenue streams. Whether it’s through revenue-sharing models or transaction fees, these partnerships can significantly boost your bottom line. Additionally, offering integrated payment solutions can enhance the overall valuation of your software, making it more attractive to investors and buyers.

Time and Labor Savings

Automation is key to efficiency. By automating tasks such as payment record entry and reconciliation, integrated payment solutions save time and reduce labor costs. This allows your clients to focus on what they do best—growing their business.

ISV Partnerships and Payment Processing

Partnerships with Payment Processors

Partnering with payment processors is a strategic move for any ISV. These partnerships enable ISVs to offer comprehensive payment solutions, including support for multiple payment methods such as credit cards, ACH, and digital wallets. This not only enhances the value of your software but also broadens your market reach.

Collaborations with Independent Sales Organizations (ISOs)

Independent Sales Organizations (ISOs) can be valuable partners for ISVs looking to expand their payment processing capabilities. ISOs manage merchant accounts and provide value-added services such as customer support and technical assistance. By collaborating with ISOs, ISVs can offer a more complete solution to their clients, enhancing their overall service offering.

How ISVs Integrate Payments

Keyword: “How to Integrate Payment Processing Systems”

Using APIs for Seamless Integration

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are the backbone of payment integration. They allow ISVs to connect their software with payment processors, enabling seamless transactions. The flexibility of APIs means that you can customize the payment experience to fit the specific needs of your clients, whether it’s for e-commerce, mobile apps, or subscription services. Integrated payments eliminate the need for a third-party payment processor, enhancing efficiency and user experience.

Securing Transactions with Tokenization

Security is paramount in payment processing. Tokenization protects sensitive payment data by replacing it with a token that has no exploitable value. This not only enhances security but also helps businesses comply with industry standards such as PCI DSS, providing peace of mind to both you and your clients.

Reducing Shopping Cart Abandonment

One of the biggest challenges in e-commerce is shopping cart abandonment. Integrated payment solutions help reduce this issue by streamlining the checkout process. When customers can complete their purchase within your platform without being redirected, the likelihood of them following through increases dramatically.

Best Practices for ISVs in Payment Processing

Effective Communication

Communication is the cornerstone of any successful partnership. It’s crucial that ISV partners maintain open and transparent communication with payment processors and ISOs to ensure smooth integration and effective marketing strategies. Regular check-ins and updates can go a long way in keeping everyone on the same page.

Support Systems for Customers

Providing robust customer support is essential. Whether it’s helping clients navigate the integration process or offering ongoing technical support, ISVs must ensure that their customers have the resources they need to succeed. This includes offering 24/7 support and assigning dedicated account managers to handle client needs.

Preparation for Integration

Integrating payment solutions into software can be complex. ISVs should set realistic expectations and timelines for the integration process, taking the time to understand their partners’ needs fully. Proper planning will prevent unnecessary delays and ensure a successful launch.

Using Secure Payment Processing Technologies

Security should always be a top priority. In addition to tokenization, ISVs should implement other secure technologies such as encryption and fraud detection. This not only protects customer data but also enhances the overall credibility of your software.

The Future of Independent Software Vendors in Payment Processing

Adapting to an Evolving Industry

The payment processing industry is constantly evolving, and ISVs must stay ahead of the curve. By adopting new technologies and integrating with emerging platforms, ISVs can continue to provide valuable solutions that meet the changing needs of their clients. ISV payments enhance security, improve user experience, increase efficiency for merchants, and generate additional revenue, ultimately emphasizing the value for ISVs, merchants, and end users in the evolving payment processing landscape.

Opportunities in the ISO vs. ISV Dynamic

Understanding the dynamic between ISOs and ISVs is crucial for success in the payments industry. As ISVs develop more specialized software, ISOs provide the infrastructure needed to support these solutions. By leveraging this relationship, ISVs can expand their reach and offer more comprehensive services to their clients.

The Importance of Customer Experience

In today’s competitive market, customer experience is everything. ISVs that focus on creating seamless, user-friendly payment experiences will stand out from the competition. This includes offering features like one-click payments, mobile-optimized checkout, and personalized support.

Best ISV Partner is Swipesum

At Swipesum, we understand that navigating the complex world of payment processing can be challenging. That’s why we offer a range of services designed to help ISVs succeed. Here’s why you should turn to Swipesum for your ISV needs:

Due Diligence in Solutions

Choosing the right integrated payment solution for your software is critical. Swipesum conducts thorough due diligence to ensure that the payment processors and ISOs we recommend align perfectly with your business goals. We evaluate everything from technology compatibility to pricing models, so you can make informed decisions that benefit your bottom line.

Negotiating ISV Agreements

Negotiating the best buy-rates and revenue-sharing agreements can be daunting. Our team of experts will handle the negotiations for you, ensuring that you secure the most favorable terms possible. With Swipesum in your corner, you can focus on growing your business while we take care of the details.

Utilizing Staitment

One of the biggest challenges in payment processing is understanding and managing costs. Staitment, our proprietary tool, audits merchant statements to identify hidden fees and ensure that you’re getting the best deal possible. By using Staitment, you can maximize your revenue and minimize your expenses.

Long-Term Customer Success

We don’t just set you up and walk away. At Swipesum, we’re committed to your long-term success. We’ll run your ISV platform and support operations, providing ongoing assistance to ensure that your software continues to meet the needs of your clients. Our dedicated team will work with you every step of the way to help you achieve your goals.


Independent Software Vendors are at the forefront of innovation in the payment processing industry. By partnering with payment processors and ISOs, ISVs can offer integrated payment solutions that enhance security, improve user experience, and drive revenue growth. Swipesum is here to support you through every stage of this journey, from selecting the right solutions to negotiating the best deals and ensuring long-term success.

The future is bright for ISVs in payment processing, and with the right partner by your side, the possibilities are endless. Let Swipesum be that partner.


Q: What is an ISV Partner in Payment Processing?

An ISV partner in payment processing is a software company that integrates payment solutions into its software, enabling businesses to process transactions seamlessly and securely.

Q: How do ISV Partnerships Enhance Business Processes?

ISV partnerships enhance business processes by streamlining payment processing, improving security, and providing a seamless user experience. These partnerships also offer additional revenue opportunities and help businesses stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

Q: What are the Benefits of ISV Partner Programs?

ISV partner programs offer a range of benefits, including access to advanced payment technologies, revenue-sharing opportunities, and comprehensive support systems. These programs help ISVs expand their reach, increase revenue, and enhance their software’s value.

Q: How Can ISV Partnerships Increase Profit Opportunities?

ISV partnerships increase profit opportunities by incorporating an integrated payment solution, which enhances security, user experience, and operational efficiency. This integration leads to quicker payments for merchants and additional revenue generation for ISVs, making it a crucial feature for software developers in today’s competitive marketplace.

Michael Seaman

Michael Seaman

Michael Seaman is the co-founder and CEO of Swipesum. A veteran of the payments industry and former employee at one of the largest payments companies, Michael, along with his brother Stephen, has led Swipesum since its inception in 2016. Swipesum is committed to providing innovative payment solutions and exceptional service to its diverse clientele. In his free time, Michael enjoys traveling with his wife Kelsey and their three children, pole vaulting, and engaging in typical Midwestern dad activities.

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