Payment Processing Consultants

Explore the role of payment processing consultants in optimizing transaction systems, reducing costs, and ensuring compliance. Discover how experts like Swipesum guide businesses through merchant services solutions, driving financial success.

Payment Processing Consultant

Payment processing consultants might not often make headlines, but their role is vital for businesses handling transactions. Most of the large merchants Swipesum has consulted have used several industry experts, or a similar service before. These consultants are the experts who guide companies through the complex world of payment systems, helping them reduce costs, optimize processes, and ensure they stay compliant with ever-changing regulations.

What is a Payment Processing Consultant?

A payment processing consultant is an expert who helps businesses navigate the complex world of payment processing, ensuring they receive the best possible rates and terms from their payment processors. These professionals, also known as credit card processing consultants, possess in-depth knowledge of the payments industry. They leverage this expertise to negotiate better deals on behalf of their clients, helping businesses save money on credit card processing fees and reduce overall costs. By understanding the intricacies of card processing fees and the latest industry trends, payment processing consultants can significantly enhance a company’s financial performance and operational efficiency.

What  is a payment processing consultant?

A payment consultant is an expert who helps businesses develop effective payment strategies and solutions, optimize their payment systems, reduce costs, and ensure compliance with industry regulations.

Swipesum consultants are recognized leaders in the payment processing industry, earning accolades such as being ranked #1 for Merchant Services by Entrepreneur Magazine and consecutive appearances on the Inc. 5000 list, for their payments consulting and commitment to client success.

How a Payment Processing Consultant Works

A payment processing consultant systematically evaluates and optimizes a business’s payment systems to reduce costs, enhance efficiency, and ensure compliance. Here’s how they typically operate:

  • Initial Audit
    • The consultant begins by auditing your current or proposed software and hardware integration needs, understanding your goals for new payment methods, and cost reduction. They utilize proprietary software to analyze payment processing statements and identify potential savings. Tools like Swipesum’s Staitment are used to analyze merchant service provider statements, identifying areas of potential savings.
  • Data Analysis
    • They review three to six months’ worth of processing statements, sometimes more, to identify hidden fees, downgrades, surcharges, padded pricing, and any unethical practices. This deep dive reveals where cost optimizations can be made.
  • System Integration
    • If new payment systems are needed, the consultant will either integrate them for you or assist your engineering team. This might involve setting up new payment gateways, or aligning existing platforms with your business objectives.
  • Merchant Account Setup or Renegotiation
    • The consultant may set up new merchant or gateway accounts, or renegotiate your existing rates with current providers to secure better terms and lower fees.
  • Ongoing Support
    • Beyond the initial setup, the consultant provides continuous support, handling disputes, ensuring PCI compliance, and regularly auditing your payment systems to maintain favorable rates and prevent hidden fees. They also identify opportunities for ongoing payment innovation to keep your business competitive.

Initial Audit

The initial audit is a critical step in the payment processing consulting process. During this phase, the consultant meticulously reviews the client’s current payment processing statements to identify areas for improvement. This involves analyzing three to six months’ worth of statements to detect hidden fees, surcharges, unethical pricing, and overall costs. By conducting this thorough examination, the consultant gains a comprehensive understanding of the client’s current situation. This detailed analysis enables the consultant to develop a tailored strategy aimed at reducing costs and improving payment processing efficiency, setting the stage for significant financial savings.

Execution and Implementation

Once the initial audit is complete, the payment processing consultant moves into the execution and implementation phase. This involves renegotiating monthly rates with the client’s existing credit card processing company to secure better terms. Typically, this process takes about 5-7 business days and requires minimal effort from the client. The consultant handles the intricate details, ensuring a seamless transition without the need for the client to change their current processor, bank, or equipment/software. This streamlined approach allows businesses to benefit from improved rates and terms with minimal disruption to their operations.

Why Businesses Need Payment Processing Consultants

Expertise in Payment Processing

Navigating the world of payment processing is not easy. The complexities are vast—ranging from choosing the right payment gateway to managing merchant accounts and ensuring compliance with stringent PCI DSS standards. Payment processing consultants bring a wealth of expertise, often with years of experience mastering the intricacies of this field. They understand the nuances of transaction flows, potential fraud pitfalls, and the latest in payment technologies. For businesses, this expertise can be the difference between a smooth, cost-effective operation and one plagued by inefficiencies and costly errors.

Consider a midsize retailer trying to expand its e-commerce operations globally. Without a consultant’s guidance, the retailer might choose a payment gateway that doesn’t support all necessary currencies, leading to transaction declines and frustrated customers. A payment processing consultant, however, ensures that the retailer selects a gateway that supports global currencies and integrates seamlessly with existing systems, allowing for smooth transactions worldwide.

Cost Savings

In today’s competitive business environment, every dollar counts. One of the primary reasons businesses turn to payment processing consultants is the potential for cost savings. Affiliated consultants can provide specialized guidance at a significantly lower cost compared to unaffiliated consultants. Even if businesses have been promised Level 2 or Level 3 interchange discounts, who is monitoring to ensure those interchange downgrades are happening? These merchant services consultants are seasoned data architects and negotiators, often able to secure better rates with payment processors, identify hidden fees, and optimize transaction costs.

Compliance and Security

The importance of compliance and security in payment processing cannot be overstated. Data breaches are not just a PR nightmare and result in massive financial losses and legal repercussions. The standard monthly and annual PCI fees alone are costly on a large scale. Payment processing consultants play a critical role in helping businesses navigate the complex web of regulatory requirements, ensuring they meet PCI DSS standards and implement robust security measures to protect sensitive customer data.

Imagine a healthcare provider processing payments for services. The provider must comply not only with PCI DSS but also with HIPAA regulations. A payment processing consultant helps implement a system that secures payment data and integrates seamlessly with patient management software, ensuring compliance with both sets of regulations.

Key Services Provided by Payment Processing Consultants

Payment Gateway Selection

Choosing the right payment gateway is a critical decision for any business. A payment gateway allows your business to accept payments online, whether through credit cards, debit cards, or digital wallets. But not all gateways are created equal—some offer better security features, others have lower transaction fees or superior customer support.

Payment processing consultants guide businesses through this decision-making process. They assess your unique needs, considering factors like transaction volume, customer demographics, and the types of payments you need to accept. With this information, they recommend the gateway that offers the best combination of features and value. For example, a subscription-based service might benefit from a gateway that offers advanced recurring billing features, while a global e-commerce store might need a gateway supporting multiple currencies and languages.

Credit Card Processing Fees Optimization

Every time a customer makes a purchase, your business pays a fee to the payment processor. While these fees might seem small on a per-transaction basis, they can add up significantly over time. Payment processing consultants specialize in analyzing these fees and finding ways to reduce them, often by negotiating better rates with payment processors or ensuring transactions are processed most cost-effectively.

For instance, a consultant might identify that a retailer is paying higher fees because their transactions are being downgraded. This means they’re not qualifying for the lowest possible rates due to missing or incorrect data. The consultant would then work with the retailer to correct these issues, ensuring transactions qualify for the best rates and reducing overall payment processing costs.

Merchant Services Account Setup and Management

Setting up and managing a merchant account is another area where payment processing consultants provide invaluable assistance. A merchant account is a type of bank account that allows your business to accept payments from credit and debit cards. But setting one up involves navigating a host of complexities, from understanding fees to ensuring compliance with industry regulations.

Payment processing consultants remove the guesswork from this process. They help businesses select the right merchant account provider, negotiate favorable terms, and ensure the account is set up correctly. Once the account is up and running, they provide ongoing management support, helping businesses monitor transaction activity, resolve issues, and ensure they’re getting the best possible rates.

Dispute and Chargeback Management

A Chargeback is when a customer disputes a transaction and asks their bank to reverse it. Chargebacks can be a significant drain on a business’s resources and result in lost revenue, additional fees, and even the loss of your merchant account if they occur too frequently.

Payment processing consultants offer software solutions and strategies to minimize chargebacks and disputes. This might involve implementing better fraud detection tools and improving customer service to resolve issues before they escalate to chargebacks.

In dispute management software you can set rules for managing disputes for auto-refunds or providing the information necessary to win the dispute. By reducing the frequency and impact of chargebacks, consultants help businesses protect their bottom line and maintain their merchant accounts in good standing.

Fraud Prevention Strategies

As the world of payments becomes increasingly digital, the threat of fraud continues to grow. Payment processing consultants are on the front lines, helping businesses implement advanced security measures and fraud prevention tools to protect themselves and their customers.

For example, a consultant might recommend implementing 3D Secure, a protocol that adds an extra layer of security to online transactions by requiring customers to complete an additional verification step. Or they might suggest using tokenization, a process that replaces sensitive payment data with a unique identifier, making it useless to hackers. By staying ahead of the latest fraud trends and technologies, consultants help businesses mitigate risks and protect their reputations.

Ongoing Support and Training

The work of a payment processing consultant doesn’t end once the initial setup and optimization are complete. These consultants provide ongoing support and training to ensure that businesses continue to operate efficiently and securely. This might involve regular audits of payment processes, updates to systems and software, or training sessions for staff on the latest best practices in payment processing.

For example, a consultant might conduct quarterly reviews of a business’s payment processing activities, identifying new opportunities for savings or areas where additional security measures are needed. Or they might provide training to a business’s customer service team on handling payment-related inquiries and disputes more effectively. By providing ongoing support, consultants help businesses stay on top of changes in the payment processing landscape and ensure long-term success.

Industry Expertise

Payment processing consultants bring extensive industry expertise to the table, having worked with numerous clients across various sectors. Their deep understanding of the payments industry, including credit card processing, digital payments, and payment solutions, enables them to provide valuable insights and guidance. This expertise is crucial for helping businesses navigate the complex world of payment processing. By leveraging their industry knowledge, payment processing consultants can help businesses optimize their payment processing strategies, reduce costs, and increase revenue. Their ability to stay ahead of industry trends and regulatory changes ensures that clients receive the most up-to-date and effective solutions.

Cost Savings and Revenue Growth

One of the primary benefits of working with a payment processing consultant is the potential for significant cost savings and revenue growth. By renegotiating better rates and terms with payment processors, consultants can help businesses reduce their credit card processing fees, saving them money on every transaction. Additionally, consultants can help businesses optimize their payment processing strategies, leading to increased revenue and improved profitability. With a proven track record of success, payment processing consultants can help businesses achieve their financial goals and stay competitive in the market. Their expertise in interchange optimization and cost reduction strategies ensures that businesses can maximize their financial performance and operational efficiency.

Payment Processing Consultants Pricing Structures

Percentage of Savings

One of the most common pricing structures in the payment processing consulting industry is a success-based fee, where the consultant earns a percentage of the savings they secure for the client. This fee structure aligns the interests of the consultant and the client, as both benefit from the cost savings achieved.

For example, if a consultant helps a business save $100,000 in processing fees per month, and the agreed fee is 50% of the realized savings for a year, the consultant would earn $50,000 per month for the first year. After that year the complete savings would go to the merchant for the lifetime of their accounts. This model is particularly appealing to businesses because it ensures they only pay for results, making it a low-risk investment.

Monthly or Hourly Billing

Another common pricing model is monthly or hourly billing. This structure is often used for ongoing support, optimization, or project-based work. For instance, a business might pay a monthly retainer to a consultant for continuous analysis, reporting, and minor adjustments to their payment processes. Alternatively, they might be billed at an hourly rate for specific tasks, such as integrating a new payment gateway or troubleshooting an issue with their merchant account.

This model provides flexibility, allowing businesses to scale the level of support they receive based on their needs and budget. It also ensures that consultants are compensated for their time and expertise, regardless of the specific savings achieved.

Revenue from Payments Companies

In many cases, payment processing consultants earn revenue from the payments companies their clients ultimately choose to work with. This is a standard practice in the industry, where consultants receive commissions or referral fees from payment processors for bringing in new business or retaining existing accounts.

While this might raise questions about impartiality, reputable consultants prioritize securing the best deals for their clients, regardless of the commission structure. They leverage their relationships with multiple payment processors to negotiate the best terms and ensure their clients receive the most favorable rates and services.

No Change vs. Complete Overhaul

Not every engagement with a payment processing consultant requires a change in providers or payment infrastructure. Sometimes, the best solution involves optimizing existing systems, renegotiating contracts, or adding new service layers. In other cases, a complete overhaul may be necessary, involving selecting new providers, implementing new payment gateways, or even a full technical build-out.

For instance, a business might already work with a top-tier payment processor but not fully utilize available features. In this case, a consultant might recommend staying with the current provider but implementing additional tools or services to enhance performance. On the other hand, if a business’s existing payment infrastructure is outdated or inadequate, a consultant might suggest switching to a new provider and overseeing the entire migration process, from selecting a new gateway to integrating it with the business’s systems.

Best Payment Processing Consultants

The Salt Group

The Salt Group is a well-established name in the consulting industry, known for its expertise in tax consulting and cost reduction strategies, including payment processing. The Salt Group has helped businesses save money and improve their payment processes.

For instance, The Salt Group might work with a manufacturing company to identify and recover overpaid sales taxes while optimizing the company’s payment processing fees. By providing a comprehensive solution that addresses both tax and payment processing issues, The Salt Group delivers significant value to its clients.


Swipesum is a leading payment processing consultant known for its innovative approach and AI-driven tools. Swipesum offers a comprehensive audit of payment processing systems, solutions experts providing expert guidance on optimizing payment processes, engineers for payments integrations or to build payments solutions from scratch. Swipesum also collaborates with payments cooperatives as part of the broader payments ecosystem to enhance overall payments strategy.

Questions to Ask Payments Consultants

When evaluating potential consultants, it’s important to ask the right questions to ensure they’re the right fit for your business. Essential questions include:

  • What are the consultant’s primary areas of expertise? Ensure that their skills and experience align with your specific needs.
  • How do they stay updated with the latest trends and regulations? The payment processing landscape is constantly evolving, and your consultant should be at the forefront of these changes.
  • Can they provide case studies or references from similar businesses? This will give you a better understanding of their capabilities and the results they’ve delivered for other clients.
  • What is their approach to ongoing support? Payment processing is not a one-time project; it requires continuous monitoring and optimization. Ensure the consultant offers the level of support your business needs.
  • How do you help businesses develop a comprehensive payments strategy that drives revenue and saves costs? This question will help you understand their expertise in creating a payments strategy that addresses specific payment goals and leverages technology solutions for a competitive advantage.
Michael Seaman

Michael Seaman

Michael Seaman is the co-founder and CEO of Swipesum. A veteran of the payments industry and former employee at one of the largest payments companies, Michael, along with his brother Stephen, has led Swipesum since its inception in 2016. Swipesum is committed to providing innovative payment solutions and exceptional service to its diverse clientele. In his free time, Michael enjoys traveling with his wife Kelsey and their three children, pole vaulting, and engaging in typical Midwestern dad activities.

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