Gen Z and the Future of Payments: Cards, Cash, and the Shift to Digital

See how Gen Z is transforming payments with a strong preference for digital wallets, contactless cards, and mobile payments over cash. Explore key data, trends, and insights shaping the future of payments, including BNPL, cryptocurrency, and real-time payments in this in-depth analysis.

How Gen Z is Shaping the Future of Payments

Gen Z, the generation born between 1997 and 2012, has grown up in a world where digital technology is deeply integrated into daily life. As a result, their financial habits differ drastically from older generations, with a strong preference for digital payments over traditional methods like cash. In this blog post, we’ll explore how Gen Z uses cards, cash, and digital payment options, diving deep into the latest stats, trends, and emerging technologies shaping their financial behavior.

What is Gen Z?

Gen Z (Generation Z) is the demographic cohort born between 1997 and 2012. They are characterized by their upbringing in a highly connected, digital world, making them the first true generation of digital natives. Unlike previous generations, Gen Z has never known a time without the internet, smartphones, and social media, significantly influencing their behaviors, values, and expectations in all aspects of life, including communication, education, work, and consumer habits.

Must-Know Information About Gen Z:

  • Tech-Savvy and Always Connected: Gen Z has grown up with technology at their fingertips. They are highly skilled at navigating digital platforms, spending an average of 4+ hours a day on their smartphones, with a preference for social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat.
  • Pragmatic and Financially Cautious: Gen Z tends to be more financially cautious compared to Millennials. Many are wary of debt, with 65% preferring to use debit cards over credit, and they often utilize Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) services to manage spending.
  • Socially Conscious and Values-Driven: This generation is deeply concerned with social and environmental issues. A strong majority, 77%, prefer brands that prioritize sustainability, and 60% expect companies to take a stand on key social causes like racial equality, and climate change.
  • Preference for Personalized Experiences: Gen Z values authenticity and personalization in their interactions with brands. 68% expect personalized interactions, and 72% are more likely to support brands that promote individual expression and genuine engagement.
  • Career-Oriented with a Focus on Work-Life Balance: Gen Z seeks jobs that offer career growth and opportunities for learning. However, they also prioritize work-life balance and flexibility, with 75% favoring work environments that provide these benefits.
  • Shaping the Future of Payments: Gen Z is leading the charge in adopting digital and contactless payments, with 51% regularly using mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay, and only 10% relying on cash for regular transactions.

Gen Z is rapidly becoming a dominant force in both the workplace and the marketplace, making it crucial for businesses, marketers, and professionals to understand their unique traits and expectations.

Key Gen Z Insights: Essential Data for Business Owners, Marketers, and Sales Teams to Engage the Next Generation of Consumers.

Why Gen Z Prefers Digital Payments Over Cash

Decline of Cash Usage Among Gen Z

One of the most significant trends among Gen Z is their rapid shift away from cash. According to a 2023 survey by Square, 70% of Gen Z prefer cashless transactions. Additionally, only 10% of Gen Z consumers use cash as their primary form of payment. This decline in cash usage is driven by the convenience, speed, and security of digital payment options, which we’ll explore in greater detail below.

The Rise of Mobile Payments and Digital Wallets

Mobile payments and digital wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay are taking over the traditional payment landscape for Gen Z. In fact, 51% of Gen Z reported using mobile wallets regularly in 2022, significantly higher than older generations, according to Payments Journal. This generation favors digital wallets not only for their convenience but also because of the added security features, like tokenization and encryption, that come with these payment methods.

Payment Apps Gaining Popularity: Venmo, Cash App, and Zelle

Gen Z has also fully embraced peer-to-peer (P2P) payment apps like Venmo, Cash App, and Zelle. A Bankrate study in 2022 showed that 63% of Gen Z uses Venmo, while 57% use Cash App, making these apps essential tools for everyday financial transactions, from splitting bills to transferring money between friends.

How Gen Z Uses Cards: Contactless and Digital First

Contactless Payments: The Preferred Method for Gen Z

While traditional card payments are still in use, Gen Z is far more inclined to use contactless cards. A 2023 survey by Mastercard found that 80% of Gen Z prefers contactless card payments over traditional chip or swipe methods. These tap-to-pay methods are faster, more secure, and often integrated into mobile wallets, further driving their popularity.

Debit vs. Credit: A Generation That Avoids Debt

Gen Z is notably cautious when it comes to credit cards. 65% of Gen Z prefers using debit cards over credit, according to a 2022 Visa report. This generation is wary of falling into debt, and as a result, they lean heavily on debit cards to maintain financial control and budgeting.

The Decline of Cash Among Gen Z

How Gen Z is Moving Away from Cash Transactions

Cash is quickly becoming obsolete among younger consumers. The Square survey from 2023 showed that only 10% of Gen Z uses cash as their primary form of payment. Many in this demographic find cash inconvenient and slower compared to digital payments.

Fewer Visits to ATMs

Reflecting this decline, fewer Gen Z consumers are using ATMs. In a Chase study, 38% of Gen Z reported they hadn’t used an ATM in the past year. For Gen Z, cash is mostly reserved for emergencies or rare circumstances where digital payment options aren’t available.

Buy Now, Pay Later: Gen Z’s Alternative to Credit Cards

The Surge in Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) Services

Gen Z’s wariness of traditional credit cards has fueled their adoption of Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) services like Afterpay, Klarna, and Affirm. These services allow Gen Z to make purchases without relying on credit cards, providing flexibility without the risk of accumulating debt. In fact, 42% of Gen Z used a BNPL service in 2022, according to TransUnion.

Why Gen Z Prefers BNPL

BNPL services offer a compelling alternative to traditional credit. Gen Z appreciates the ability to split payments over time without incurring interest, making it a popular choice for budgeting and managing finances, especially for larger purchases.

Emerging Payment Trends: Cryptocurrencies and Future Payment Methods

Gen Z’s Interest in Cryptocurrency

As digital natives, Gen Z is more open to exploring cryptocurrencies for payments. A 2022 report by Gemini revealed that 23% of Gen Z already own some form of cryptocurrency. While crypto payments are still in their early stages, Gen Z’s tech-savviness positions them as early adopters in this space.

Real-Time Payments and Blockchain Technology

Looking ahead, real-time payments and blockchain technology are likely to gain traction with Gen Z. A McKinsey survey in 2023 predicted that real-time payments, which allow for instant transaction processing, will become the norm by 2026. Gen Z’s desire for fast and secure transactions makes them the ideal demographic for these innovations.

The Factors Driving Gen Z’s Payment Preferences

Convenience is Key for Gen Z

One of the most important factors driving Gen Z’s payment preferences is convenience. Digital payment methods, whether through mobile wallets, apps, or contactless cards, offer a seamless experience that fits into Gen Z’s on-the-go lifestyle. Slow or cumbersome payment methods, like cash or chip-based cards, simply don’t align with their need for speed and efficiency.

Security and Privacy Concerns

Gen Z places a high value on the security of their financial transactions. Mobile wallets, contactless payments, and digital apps offer enhanced security measures, such as encryption, biometric authentication, and tokenization, which are appealing to this privacy-conscious generation.

Loyalty Programs and Payment Rewards Attract Gen Z

Loyalty Programs Driving Digital Payment Adoption

Gen Z is more likely to use payment methods that integrate seamlessly with loyalty programs and offer rewards. According to a NerdWallet report, 55% of Gen Z prefers payment methods that provide cashback rewards. This generation also uses retailer-specific apps, like Starbucks or Dunkin’, where payments are tied to loyalty programs.

Financial Inclusion: Why Gen Z Embraces Digital Payments

Accessibility of Digital Payment Platforms

For many Gen Z individuals, especially those who are unbanked or underbanked, digital payment platforms offer financial inclusion. According to Forbes, 14% of Gen Z considers themselves underbanked, relying more on apps like Venmo and Cash App than traditional banking systems. These apps provide access to financial services without the need for a formal bank account, making it easier for Gen Z to manage their money digitally.

Prepaid Cards as a Backup

Although prepaid cards are less popular compared to digital wallets, they still provide an option for Gen Z consumers without access to traditional banking. Prepaid cards offer some financial freedom, though they are seen as less convenient than mobile wallets or contactless payments.

What Gen Z’s Payment Preferences Mean for Merchants and Payment Processors

As Gen Z continues to shape the future of payments, both merchants and payment processors need to adapt to meet the expectations of this digital-first generation. Understanding Gen Z’s behavior around cashless and digital payment methods can help businesses stay competitive and ready for the future.

What Gen Z’s Preferences Mean for Merchants

  1. Adopting Mobile and Contactless Payment Systems
    • Gen Z’s strong preference for mobile wallets and contactless cards means that merchants need to ensure they are equipped with contactless payment terminals and systems that integrate seamlessly with mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay. Failing to provide these options could lead to lost sales as younger consumers may prefer to shop at places offering more seamless and modern payment experiences.
  2. Offering Flexible Payment Options like Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)
    • Merchants should consider integrating BNPL options at checkout. With 42% of Gen Z already using BNPL services like Afterpay and Klarna, offering these flexible payment plans can boost conversion rates, especially for larger or discretionary purchases. BNPL can also enhance customer loyalty and attract younger shoppers who prioritize budgeting and managing their finances carefully.
  3. Leveraging Loyalty Programs and Personalized Rewards
    • Gen Z favors retailers that offer loyalty programs tied to their preferred payment methods. Merchants should focus on building or enhancing loyalty systems that provide rewards for digital transactions, such as cashback, points, or personalized offers. Integrated payment and rewards systems within retailer apps can significantly increase engagement with Gen Z customers.
  4. Focusing on Security and Privacy
    • Since Gen Z places a high emphasis on security and privacy, merchants should highlight the secure features of their payment systems. Adopting tokenization, encryption, and multi-factor authentication for online and in-store payments reassures young consumers that their data is safe. Promoting these security measures can build trust with Gen Z shoppers and reduce concerns about fraud.

What Gen Z’s Preferences Mean for Payment Processors

  1. Prioritizing Contactless and Mobile Payment Solutions
    • Payment processors must offer contactless payment capabilities and integrate mobile payment solutions into their offerings to stay relevant with Gen Z. Payment processors that can provide seamless, fast, and secure mobile transactions—whether through apps or wearables—will be better positioned to serve merchants catering to Gen Z consumers.
  2. Supporting BNPL Services and Embedded Finance
    • With the rise of BNPL, payment processors need to expand their services to support BNPL providers. By offering integration with BNPL platforms and building solutions that enable embedded finance, payment processors can meet the growing demand from merchants who want to offer flexible payment options. This also positions them as key players in the evolving landscape of digital transactions.
  3. Enhancing Real-Time Payment Capabilities
    • Real-time payment processing is increasingly becoming an expectation among Gen Z consumers who prefer instant transaction confirmations. Payment processors should prioritize developing real-time settlement options to speed up transaction times, reduce friction, and deliver faster payments for both merchants and customers. This will be crucial for industries where speed and convenience are paramount.
  4. Building a Future-Proof Payment Infrastructure
    • Payment processors need to invest in the technology that will support future payment trends like cryptocurrency payments and blockchain-based transactions. Gen Z’s growing interest in cryptocurrency suggests that the next generation of payment solutions will need to handle these emerging methods. Offering solutions that support cryptocurrency alongside traditional payment types will help payment processors stay ahead of the curve.
  5. Delivering Data-Driven Insights and Personalization
    • Gen Z expects personalization not just in the shopping experience, but in the payment experience as well. Payment processors should focus on building data-driven insights tools that allow merchants to offer personalized experiences and tailored promotions. These insights can help merchants understand customer behavior better and drive engagement with Gen Z shoppers.

The Future Outlook for Merchants and Payment Processors

In the coming years, both merchants and payment processors must be prepared to keep pace with the rapid evolution of payment preferences led by Gen Z. Investing in digital infrastructure, offering flexible payment options, enhancing security, and embracing emerging technologies like real-time payments and cryptocurrencies will be key to staying competitive. For businesses that cater to Gen Z, the ability to provide seamless, secure, and innovative payment solutions will be critical in winning and retaining this generation of customers.

What’s Next? The Future of Payments for Gen Z

Real-Time Payments and Wearables

Gen Z is likely to be at the forefront of real-time payments as they become more widespread. The ability to process transactions instantly aligns with their need for speed and convenience. Additionally, wearable payment devices like smartwatches are expected to gain popularity among this demographic, with estimates from Business Insider Intelligence predicting that 25% of Gen Z will use wearables for payments by 2025.

The Role of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

With Gen Z’s growing interest in cryptocurrencies, we can expect wider adoption of blockchain technology as it becomes more mainstream. This generation’s openness to new technologies means they could play a key role in driving the future of decentralized payments.

Gen Z’s Role in Shaping the Future of Payments

Gen Z is reshaping the payments landscape by opting for digital solutions that offer speed, security, and convenience. As cash declines in favor of mobile wallets, contactless cards, and payment apps, this generation is pushing the boundaries of how we think about financial transactions. With trends like real-time payments, BNPL services, and cryptocurrency adoption on the rise, Gen Z is driving the evolution of payments—and the future is digital.

As Gen Z continues to shape the future of payments with their preference for digital and contactless transactions, it’s essential for merchants to stay ahead of the curve. Swipesum helps businesses adapt by offering tailored payment solutions that cater to Gen Z’s tech-savvy and cashless habits. From integrating mobile wallets to optimizing Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) options, Swipesum provides the expertise to streamline your payment systems. Book a consultation today to ensure your business is prepared to meet the demands of the next generation of consumers while maximizing cost efficiency and growth.

Sam Elkins

Sam Elkins

Sam Elkins is a versatile payments expert and Product Manager at Swipesum. Instrumental in the development and management of Swipesum's AI-driven merchant services statement software "Staitment," Sam plays a crucial role in client interactions, drawing on extensive experience with clients ranging from Fortune 100 companies to SMBs globally. Sam graduated from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He enjoys live music, road trips, and adventures with his massive dog. Originally from Memphis and Cowan, Tennessee, Sam now resides in St. Louis.

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